Yoni Steam
The Yoni Steam: honoring the divine womban
✧ The practice of yoni steaming has held women through centuries; nurturing, cleansing, and activating our sacred center; keeping us embodied in our femininity.
✧ The herbal steam physically warms and invigorates this area, which supports circulation, detoxification, regulating of menstrual cycles, reproductive health, postpartum recovery, menopause, a decrease in inflammation, and an overall balance.
✧ Energetically, herbal steaming will support you in the connection and remembrance of what it means to be the holder of a womb, of life. You’ll feel the call to come home to the pleasure and sensuality that is found within your embodiment. Steaming is supportive in the release of physical and emotional trauma stored within the womb space.
✧ Our wombs are the source of all creation, the source of our life force energy. May we honor, reclaim, and empower the divine feminine.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) named after Artemis, goddess of the moon, and supports us in creating a profound connection with this deep wild feminine nature ☾ 🜄
Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) generationally supporting the uterus by nourishing and toning this area; balancing hormones and easing menstruation ♀ 🜄
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) soothes and relaxes the pelvic muscles as well as the emotional and spiritual bodies♀☿ 🜁
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is cleansing and helps support a healthy vaginal flora while also invigorating circulation and uplifting the spirit ♃ 🜂
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) supports the clearing of stagnancy on a physical and energetic level as well as maintaining overall balance ☉🜂
Rose (Rosa rubiginosa) is the herb of love, infusing this formula with a sense of self-love, acceptance, and healing ♀ 🜄
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) it’s aromatic scent crafts a sense of calmness, releases tension in emotions and the reproductive system, as well as holding powerful cleansing properties ☿ 🜁
Avoid steaming during your period and if you’re pregnant. If you have an IUD, the recommended time for steaming is no longer than 10 minutes.
✧ Customized blends are available through consultation!
Ingredients: Mugwort+, Red Raspberry Leaf+, Chamomile+, Basil+, Calendula+, Rose+, Lavender+
Every yoni steam comes with a complete how-to guide as well as a ritual to enhance the experience and create a deeper connection to your womb and the plants.
Comes in a 16oz glass jar